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My personal logo

I chose an unusual logo for someone in the healing arts, the symbol of a Spartan helmet on a shield.  I chose this logo for the symbolism.  The helmet and the shield are protecting and preserving components of an ancient warrior’s kit. They are not offensive.  Having worked in military health care for most of my life from age seventeen onward I feel an affinity for those who place themselves in harm’s way on our behalf.  I feel that my life’s work, like the shield and the helmet, is protective and preserving.

The helmet is created from the W and M of my initials with the symbol ^.  ^ is the Greek letter L or lambda. Lambda stands for Laconia or Lacedaemon, the region of Greece where the Spartans lived.  The Spartan’s went to battle with a large ^on their shields so that their adversaries could not mistake who stood before them, the men of Sparta.


The colors of crimson and gold are those of the United States Marine Corps and the ancient Spartans. I chose these colors to honor the Marine Corps.  I started my journey in military healthcare as a young SARC corpsman serving with a Marine Reconnaissance Unit, so I have a special place in my heart for the Marine Corps and the Spartan-like discipline and self-deprivation of my brothers in Marine Recon.  I subsequently served in diving and salvage units, Naval Special Warfare Unit One, eventually working  as a chiropractor at Bethesda’s National Naval Medical Center, and finally at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. 

My personal motto is, “To be the hands of a grateful nation.”

Semper Fidelis